Dalam buku ini Scott Lash mempertegas kontinuitas sekaligus diskontinuitas antara modernisme dan postmodernisme. Di satu pihak ia memetakan postmodernisme sebagai paradigma kultural yang meresapi hampir segala sisi kehidupan mutakhir yang ditandai oleh tendensi dediferensiasi, problematisasi realistis dan instabilitas makna. Di pihak lain ia menilai bahwa postmodernisme sebenarnya toh kurang me…
In the first half of the twentieth century, Theodor Adorno wrote about the 'culture industry'. For Adorno, culture too along with the products of factory labour was increasingly becoming a commodity. Now, in what they call the 'global culture industry', Scott Lash and Celia Lury argue that Adorno's worst nightmares have come true. Their new book tells the compelling story of how material object…