Buku Teks
Production Management For TV and Film: The Professional's Guide
Production Management For TV and Film, written by an industry insidwer, is a complete on-the-job reference tool and an exhaustive manual to every aspect of a Production Manager's job. Linda Stradling is a highly experienced production manager and trainer and his book is based on her training hand outs and notes. The topics covered include: schedules, self organisation and systems to use; budgets amd cost control, hiring and firing ; contracts; insurance; health and safety; setting up an efficient and cost-effective shoot; dealing with contributors; acquirimg copyright; sourcing and managing CGI; editors; music clearance; deliverables; people skills and ethics. Manajemen Produksi Film, selain mengurusi hal teknis juga berhubungan dengan usaha penciptaan/kreatifitas, artistik, teknologi dan manusia. Manajemen produksi film biasanya mengacu pada SOP (standard operational procedure) yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yakni, Pre Production (pra produksi), Set Up and Rehearsal (persiapan dan latihan), Production (produksi), Post Production (pasca produksi). Akan tetapi, tahap Set Up and Rehearsal ini jarang diterapkan di Indonesia karena dirasa tidak begitu efisien karena terlalu bertele-tele dan hanya menambah budget produksi
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