20 Th-Century Composers Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) dianggap sebagai penemu musik modern. Prestasi fenomenal yang sebanding dengan teman dekat dan kontemporer Pablo Picasso. Biografi komprehensif menelusuri pengaruh yang menginformasikan gaya dan menetapkan semua karya utamanya dalam konteks, mencurahkan perhatian khusus pada komposer s kecil di Rusia pra-revolusioner. Ini grafik penemuan oleh Diaghilev dan jejak kolaborasi berikutnya dengan koreografer, penari, pelukis, desainer, dan penulis. Di atas semua buku berkonsentrasi pada kreativitas Stravinsky s, menggambarkan bagaimana pikiran musiknya bekerja dan berhubungan ini dengan kepribadian kompleks dan menarik nya. Igor Stravinsky adalah bagian dari seri Century Komponis Phaidon s sukses ke-20, yang menyajikan biografi otoritatif dan menarik dari musisi kreatif besar waktu kita, ditambah dengan mencolok materi visual dan informasi referensi penting.
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) is regarded as the inventor of modern music. His phenomenal achievements are comparable to those of his close friend and contemporary Pablo Picasso. This comprehensive biography traces the influences that informed his style and sets all of his major works into context, devoting particular attention to the composer s childhood in pre-revolutionary Russia. It charts his discovery by Diaghilev and traces his ensuing collaborations with choreographers, dancers, painters, designers, and writers. Above all the book concentrates on Stravinsky s creativity, describing how his musical mind worked and relating this to his complex and fascinating personality. Igor Stravinsky is part of Phaidon s successful 20th Century Composers series, which presents authoritative and engaging biographies of the great creative musicians of our time, augmented by striking visual material and essential reference information. This edition of the book features a whimsical new cover by Jean-Jacques Sempé, the world-renowned illustrator and cartoonist
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