Buku ini merupakan ikhtisan komprehensif mengenai ilmu antropologis social dan budaya. Pelbagai aspek metode kerja cabang ilmu ini dibahas, begitu juga aliran penting dan topic-topik sentral yang lazimnya diuraikan dalam ilmu antropologi. Penulis sendiri menjelaskna tujuan buku ini sebagai berikuti: Sasaran saya dalam buku ini ialah untuk mengajari para mahasiswa-mahasiswi prasarjana baik tenta…
Renowned literary scholar Linda Hutcheon explores the ubiquity of adaptations in all their various media incarnations and challenges their constant critical denigration. Adaptation, Hutcheon argues, has always been a central mode of the story-telling imagination and deserves to be studied in all its breadth and range as both a process (of creation and reception) and a product unto its own. Per…
This book is a part of an all-new series, featuring titles in a areas of study, including Humanities, social science, business, engineering, science, mathematics, and computer science. Featuring the most up-to-date information, each book is written by educators in the field, for students as well as the general reader. Without sacrificing quality, these outlines summarize the material in a forma…
Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa kekayaan dan keragaman sumberdaya pariwisata Indonesia sudah banyak mendapat pengakuan dari pengamat dan wisatawan international. Pengakuan itu semakin relevan apabila sumberdaya pariwisata mampu dikelola sebagai komoditas yang bernilai tinggi. Konkretnya, destinasi pariwisata nasional haruslah layak jual dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi. Sebab eskalasi kompetisi …
Media, Society, World is comprehensive and current in its coverage—of research, of real-world examples, and of larger pressing question about new media. The book is empirically and theoretically informed, and surveys both the academic reseaach and historical developments in media in a single work, It is Castells-like in its range and ambition. Media keep reframing de-centring and dis-intermed…