Buku ini menawarkan sebuah sudut pandang yang baru dan unik, yaitu memandang tubuh di dalam konteks ‘politik mikro’ (micro politics) atau ‘politik lokal’. Buku ini secara khusus menyoroti bagaimana tubuh menjadi ajang permainan kekuasaan dan perebutan posisi hegemoni pada tingkat lokal, yaitu ‘budaya Madura’. Misalnya, bagaimana budaya patriarki di dalam masyarakat Madura membuat â€â€¦
Theatre, in all of its manifestations, is essentially concerned with change. The title of this book clearly reflects the potential of drama and theatre to transform the lives of individuals and communities around the world. As well as accounts of national and international practice, detailed case studies of individual practitioners and companies give glimpses of the depths of transformative thi…
Research Topic: Pita Maha: The Social Art Movement on Balinese Paintings in 1930s, aims at describing creative waves of Balinese village youth in designing new paintings. The artwork is considered to be the latest development of classical paintings of Kamasan puppet whose pattern is not just on artistic technique, but also on aesthetic paradigm. Yet, the invention and development of painting co…