Judi online merupakan fenomena yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) mengungkapkan bahwa dari 2017-2022 terdapat perputaran dana terkait judi online mencapai Rp. (Rp 190 triliun). Pelaku judi online terdapat dari berbagai kalangan yang salah satunya adalah pelajar. Patut disayangkan seorang pelajar yang menjadi generasi…
Who owns your genes?what does climate science imply for policy? Do corporations conduct honest research? Should we teach inteligent design? Humans are creating a new world throught science. The kind of world we are creating a new world throught science. The kind of world we are creating will not simply be decided by expanding scientific knowledge, but will not simply be decided by expanding sci…
This book is one of the first steps in providing an overview of the particular Indonesian textiles that have already vanished from our presence as the very few that still exist. It unfolds its historical signifance and complex trajectory over the past decades, if not a century;it lays out a mapping of cultural and technical diffrences. By providing an updated, well-rounded documentation-yet pre…