Desain kemasan merupakan suatu media komunikasi visual yang mengalami perkembangan dari masa ke masa. Desain kemasan pada saat ini tidak hanya mempunyai fungsi melindungi produk tetapi juga mengkomunikasikan isi produk secara visual. Fenomena unik yang belakangan ini hadir di Indonesia yaitu menggunakan simbol-simbol agama pada desain kemasan produknya. Penggunaan simbol-simbol agama terse…
Dance is dangerous business. The scientific and medical communities are now beginning to acknowledge that many forms of dance are as strenuous and physically demanding as most sports activities, Indeed, several scientific and dance studies report that dancers face a greater risk of suffering long-term disabilities than other elite athletes. Certainly it is fairly safe to assume that most profes…
Sculpt toys and collectibles with modern-day tools,techniques, and aplications used by today’s top industry professionals. Ever since a 12-inch GI Joe took toy soldiers to a whole new level by giving them the ability to pose via moveable parts, as well as interchangeable clothing and accessories, the business of creathing pop sculpture icons for the mass market was off and running, superheroe…